Invitation to Networking Lunch with Brussels’ Delegation- Beyond Passive Design

You are cordially invited to a panel discussion about sustainability in the building sector followed by a networking lunch:

Beyond Passive design

Meeting room ARENA, 3rd floor
Bryghuspladsen 8
1473 København

17 June 2024

From 11:30 to 13:30

For Professionals from the building sector from Brussels and Denmark.

The Brussels-Capital Region adopted the Passive House standard as the building code in 2015, making it the first region in the world to require such a stringent standard. Both Brussels and Copenhagen, recognized as leading sustainable cities globally, share a common vision aimed at building a sustainable future through ambitious energy-saving goals and tools.

Join us for an inspirational panel discussion bringing together Belgian and Danish professionals from the construction sector. A networking lunch will follow, providing an opportunity for participants from Denmark and Brussels to further connect and exchange.

With the participation of A2M Architects, EFFEKT, Embuild Brussels, Dansk Industri Byggeri and NCC.

As registration is mandatory, please register here by 10 June.

For more information, please get in touch with Nele Pyfferoen at or

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